Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Math Math Everywhere!

Today some students shared items that were important to them.
As a class we talked about how people use math to build things such as bikes. We've been learning about multiplication and division, and this was a great way to apply math to real life experiences!


One of our classmates had a family member recently visit Iceland and these were some of the cool things she brought back to share with our class! :)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Important dates!

May 12- Play Day (Whole School -Afternoon only)

May 26- Arts and Technology Showcase (Evening- 6pm)

May 31- Movie Night (Evening) "The Lorax"

June 3- Pizza Day

Thursday May 5, 2016

Dear students/parents,

My apologies for the delay on updating our classroom blog. It has been a busy time of year with all the sports and activities taking place at our school! This year many of our teachers have provided great opportunities for many students to participate in extracurricular activies. (Jr/Int Soccer, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, etc.) Thank you for all the families who have been supportive and thank you in advance for  your understanding. I hope to keep families updated (through our blog) on upcoming events and activities happening in our classroom! :)

Sneak peek!
We just finished our unit on money and we're beginning to learn about multiplication and division!
Some students brought in coins from around the world. :)

In social studies we are learning about all the continents and oceans, and how climate affects the way animals and humans live.
One student brought in a deer antler she found in northern Ontario. This week we explored a world map and talked about how different animals can only survive in certain parts of the world. We were quite curious about the Komodo dragon! Below is a picture a student found online and wanted to share. :)

In language and science, we are busy bee's working on our STEM project for our exciting Arts and Technology Showcase on May 26th!
Can you spot any simple machines?

We are also growing beans for our rooftop garden!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Lorax

We are currently working on a language unit on "The Lorax" by Dr.Seuss. We are learning about the environment and how to take care of plants and animals. We have explored some effects of water and air pollution and will continue to learn about ways we can protect the environment.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Simple Machines


Lila laid an egg!

One of our geckos (Lila) laid an egg. We had to incubate it and within 35-89 days a baby gecko will hatch!

Students in room 15 weighed Ben! He weighs the same as 6 connecting cubes!


1. Tomorrow is a P.A. Day (no school)
2. Next pizza lunch is April 29th
3. Scholastic Due April 22nd

Friday, April 8, 2016


Thank you to all the parents who volunteered on our trip today! We all had a wonderful day at the ROM! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday April 7, 2016


1. Field trip to the ROM tomorrow (bring lunch and comfortable shoes) :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Simple Machines!

Today we built a simple machine. Our class designed a pulley system to solve a problem! We imagined that we needed to lift up an injured lion and take it to the vet. How do you lift up a lion? Together we collaborated on ideas and built a pulley system. Over the next few days we will decide on what we can do to improve the design of this simple machine and discuss how simple machines are important in our lives.



1.Friday we are going on our field trip to the ROM! :)

This is a birds nest that one of our classmates brought in to show us. This is a type of structure made by nature.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

1. Read

This week we have been learning about perimeter in math and life cycles of different animals in science!


Can you find the perimeter of this shape?


credit for diagrams